четверг, 16 апреля 2015 г.

Metal Militia: Atom God [Uk] - Heavy Metal

Metal Militia: Atom God [Uk] - Heavy Metal:

Atom God [Uk] - Heavy Metal

Atom God [Uk] (1989) Wow

1. Camden Town
2. Dolphins
3. Bashin' Up the Rich
4. Atlantic Waves
5. Dog Rot
6. Oh Yea
7. Slow Down Motorhead
8. Mountain Range
9. Convoy
10. Oh No

Atom God [Uk] (1992) History Re-Written

1. A) History Re-Written Part I / B) Welcome to the Kingdom of Doom
2. History Re-Written Part II
3. Radio Death
4. Atom Bomb
5. Cesspit (Cauldron of Death)
6. Virgin Blood
7. (Death Will Come From) China
8. Rot In Burning Hell (Bonus Track)

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